Welcome to Finally Home! Our philosophy is simple, we believe that each member of the adoption triad: Birth mothers, Adoptive Families, and Adopted children are equally valuable and each should be supported in a personal “hands-on” approach.
Birth mothers - We think you are some of the most courageous people we have ever met. Making an adoption plan is close to God’s heart, but as with all good things, it comes with sacrifice and the pain of loss. Your willingness to choose what is best for your baby-above your own personal needs and desires-is commendable. We want you to be treated with respect, dignity and honor and will walk this journey with you—for as long as you want us and need us.
Adoptive families – We respect your desire to answer God’s call to “care for the orphans,” and are committed to preparing you for this awesome journey. We are excited to have you partner with God’s plan for a child’s life, embracing the birth mother and committing to excellent parenting.
Adopted children — We know that God’s plan for your life is one “to prosper and not to harm you (Jeremiah 29:11).” To this end we commit to support your birth mother and adoptive parents, helping them parent you in a way that demonstrates your value, worth, and individuality.